Charlie Sheen, bamborine, shrink to the size of a lima-bean!
{Do you remember that episode of Pinky and the Brain?}He is not complete, but this is the result of watching Navy SEALs the movie many times. Special effects done using a trial version of Paint Shop Pro
This is the figure of him in the last scene in Beruit, Lebanon
Notice the TUS SAS chest rig, Arab cloth, and pants. YEAH I KNOW HIS FINGER ISN'T ON THE TRIGGER! WHAT'S IT TO YOU? PUNK?
Charlie is one of my favorite actors
Apart from his occasional lapses,... he's a pretty good guy. Good movies including him are:
Platoon-The great Vietnam film
Navy SEALs-Funny loose cannon guy
Terminal Velocity-Forgot what this one's about
The one where he kidnaps the girl-
Men at work-Never saw the whole movie
The Movie
Even though the movie isn't so realistic, I enjoy it, as it has some good action sequences, awesome gear, and the good guys win. If I could find a Michael Beihn and Bill Paxton and the rest figures, then I would construct them as well, but a lot of those people didn't make as far as having figures made out of them. There's a cool HALO scene in the movie, where all 7 of them (8 right? Well one of them got wounded in the beginning! Real Teams today have 16 men now) jump out the back of a C-130, complete with Draeger Rebreathers.
Check out my HALO!
Make your own Charlie Sheen!
First of all, find a look-a-like figure. Second, gather your gear. You'll need a WWII or Korean era Marine BDU top, the kinda spot pattern that wore out of color during the war (I used a GI JOE ERDL looking thing), SAS pants and boots, and a similar chest harness. You also need a green web belt and black pistol holster. Then finaly, you need a arab red and white checkered...thingy. For the cuffs, I used those plastic ties that come on the end of bread rolls that cinch the plastic to keep air out. Only thing I could find. And of course, give him an Ak-47 (movie had folding stocks) and a Berretta 92FS. Wait wait wait! Don't forget the black gloves! :)
Check out my Vietnam SEALs!
Lock, stock and one smoking AK-47
The figure is a Dragon Steve (I think) from their newer Green Beret set
Lock n' load dudes
These are the images that I tried to send GL twice, and couldn't figure out why he wouldn't post them, lol, but I finaly figured out that he wouldn't allow the GI-Joe shirt if I had a non-TUS figure |