Denny "Snake" Chalker
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"Snake" Chalker


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This is a figure of Snake, based on his accounts of his first combat operation in Grenada. I WOULD LIKE TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT I AM NOT DENNIS CHALKER! I JUST MADE AN ACTION FIGURE! that settled?
This came directly from his autobiography

SEAL Team Six
Denny Chalker was in Seal Team Six at the time Grenada "happened". His unit's mission was the rescue of Governor Paul Scoon at his mansion.
Man Down!
His whole unit only had one common piece of gear, the first aid pouch, which is the one on the cross strap of the H-Harness.
Contact front!
Denny carries an M-4 Carbine and a 9mm Berretta 92F pistol in tactical holster.
"Stick em' up"
He also carries 3 mag pouches and another pouch I just added to take up belt space.
"Weapon dry! Cover me!"
If you look close, you can see the trail of the magazine falling down from the bottom of the pistol. I wished i'd get just a blurred image of the magazine, like I did in the Desert CQB pics.
"Hats off"
Denny, instead of wearing a boonie hat (cover if you will), wore a 40x40 inch green bandage as a bandana around his head, obviously so he could use it in a medical emergency real quick.
"Don't spit on the floor"
All in all, Denny's part of the mission went well ie, objective completed. After several hours, his unit had limited amounts of ammo left before relieved by a larger Marine force.

1-6th SEALs