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Smoke me a' kippa'
Friends came over and we started messing around with my 1:6th stuff. While my friend made an extremly weak-looking figure, I had an inspiration to make something Brittish; what better than the SAS?

On my way
As you can see, he has his British Army desert "trousers" (come on, with a Brittish accent people!) and boonie, bucket, hat. He is also wearing a black sweater. Many Brits have black shirts under their BDUs but I thought a black sweater would look nice :)
Enemy Front!
I gave him an Enfield L-85 A1 Bullpup rifle, standard British military issue. Bullpup because the magazine is behind the pistol grip. This allows for a longer (hence, more accurate) barrel in a shorter frame.
Get the Deftechs ready!
Deftechs are another name for a type of flashbang. This SAS shooter has 2 flashbangs in his left-thigh drop-down pouch.
Breach in FIVE...
I think this figure looks pretty good for a quick kitbash. Just take the 21st SAS set, remove the jacket and BDU blouse and give him an L85 A1 and a drop down with a Sig Sauer. I gave him the MP-5 and flashbangs for shear cool-ness.
How's he fire like that?
This method of pressing the sub-gun against the sling is actually fairly stable and is used. It is favored by the Brits, and SEAL Team Six used this method for firing with gas-masks on.
My eyes!
I just really like this picture because the light gleaming off of the reciever makes this plastic SOTW MP-5 look metallic. By the way, the sound suppressor is off of the "Stingray" set from BBI
Oooh Scary!
Yeah, I think the headsculpt is kind of an ugly guy too, but it looks pretty realistic also.